Dr Mark Osborne
science by design
The Carbon Lock Project
Unlocking Oceans to Lock Down Carbon
> Atmospheric carbon dioxide
by enhancing the capacity of
oceans to drawdown and lock
CO2 in carbonates.
> Ocean acidification from CO2 emissions forcing
> CO2 ppm to viable norms
> Global temperatures over time
> Ocean pH for calcification
> Ocean - Atmosphere balance
> Overall health of the planet!
> Natural & engineered solutions
where synergies bring value
& efficiencies to climate
> By-products that have value
(H2, mineral, water streams)
The Problem
> Atmospheric CO2 > 420 ppm
> CO2 now > 1.5X pre-industrial mean
> CO2 never higher in over 800 000 yrs
> CO2 traps heat & forces global warming
> CO2 acidifies oceans - harms marine life
> Earth now nears the +1.5 oC target
above the IPCC 1850-1900 mean
as set in the 2016 Paris Agreement
> 6 of 9 Earth boundaries are crossed
> Climate tipping points approach
The Opportunity
> Decarbonisation critical but not enough
Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR)
> @ 6-8 Gigatonnes / year (IPCC)
> Needed to meet net zero by 2050
> But only 0.002 Gt CDR in "novel" tech
> A potential 3000X scaling gap remains
> First draw...
CO2 + CO3(2-) + H2O > 2HCO3(-)
> @ high pH Henry's Law acts large...
> So pseudo-1st order @ pH 10
> But bimolecular @ pH 9 when Hp(CO2 )~ [CO3(2-)]
more to follow...