Solexa sequencing: a spin on the origin of a genomics game changer
Dr Mark Osborne
science by design
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Scientist with 25+ year career in University Research and Teaching in Chemistry, Physics and Biology, along with R&D experience in next generation sequencing (NGS) at startup Solexa Ltd and co-inventor of Sequencing By Synthesis technology.
Chemical Physicist by PhD and 1st class BSc qualification, having an extensive track record in a diverse range of research; from condensed phase laser spectroscopy. cluster isoluted chemical reactions (CICR) and nanomaterials synthesis and characterisation; to DNA sequencing, biomolecular and cellular imaging, and single molecule microsopy.
Positions held include Royal Society University Research Fellow and Senior Lecturer in Physical Chemistry (University of Sussex), Senior Scientist and Group Leader in Instrument Developmen (Solexa Ltd); all with a broad range of roles that have contributed to enriched professional development in leadership, management, training and admin.
Track record in project design and management, scientific publishing, grant writing, inventorship, instrument developement, data analysis and simulation, technology transfer, science education and communication at all levels.